How to Host BombSquad Server | Complete Guide

Posted on: 16/07/2023, Author: Mr.Smoothy


BombSquad is a popular multiplayer game that utilizes a server/client architecture. In this setup, player input is transmitted to the host server during a network game, which then processes the inputs and sends the results back to all participating clients. However, to ensure a seamless and enjoyable gaming experience, it is crucial for the server to maintain a lag-free network connection. This article delves into the significance of server performance and network connection quality in optimizing the multiplayer experience in BombSquad. Right now BombSquad Server can be hosted with multiple ways, lets explore all possible way we can use to host this game's server.

Possible ways to host BombSquad Server

BombSquad Server/Party can be hosted in mulitple ways. Majorly it divided into 2 category host with GUI game or without GUI - headless server. Lets discuss each of them with pros and cons.

  1. Host a Public Party | Gather

    This option is available within game. Click Gather > Public > Host a Public Party.
    With this option game will be hosted on your device on phone/laptop where ever you running game. So people will connect with you device to play together. Your Party/Server will appear in public party list.

    • Game will run super smooth for you, since server is running on your game only.
    • Very Easy to host , and its totally free.
    • You can use plugin/mods installed in your game.
    • You need very good internet , else other players will feel laggy.
    • If you are using WIFI then you need to configure your router to forward you game port i.e 43210 from router to your device.
    • If you using Windows , most probably you also need to configure your Windows firewall for this application to allow incoming traffic on game port i.e 43210 (may be different , you will get message what port you need to open.)
    • Your server is on as long as game is running, once you close game your party will get closed. So this is not a permanent solution.
    • Since game is hosted on your device and visible to everyone , they will be available to see you IP Address , and may able to know your Country/City.

  2. Host a Private Party | Gather

    This option also available within game. Click Gather > Private > Host a Private Party.
    With this option game will be hosted on cloud server hosted by game owner Eric Froemling, This will give you a secret Party Code which you need to share with your friends with whom you want to play.

    • Game will run on cloud server near your location, so it will run smooth for you and your friend.
    • Very cheap , most of the time you will be available to create this party for free , else it will charge very small tickets.
    • Easiest way to host a party/server, you not need to do any configuration on your phone or network.
    • Usefull in scenario where you just to play with your friends privately.
    • Since game is hosted on cloud, and you dont have access to that cloud server , you cant use any mods/plugin.
    • Server will remain open for limited time duration.

  3. Host a Dedicated Server | Cloud Server

    This server is not hosted with your game. This Option use headless server scripts. For this you may need some technical knowledge to create a server and install game server scripts, also it need some extra assets like you phone number and credit card/debit card. Hosting on Dedicated Cloud server means you will buy a computer which is running somewhere else and you will install BombSquad server scripts on that computer. So definately this is not a free solution you need to buy a cloud server also known as instance , virtual machine , droplet , EC2, VPS, some kids call it an "IP" which is technically misleading.
    Dont worry you not need to always pay for this, yipee yeah there are some cloud providers (nearly all) they provides free trial with limited resource and time period or gives you free credits which you can spend to host a server. But you still need to have a valid bank credit card to verify your account to redeem free trial. Like you can check out Cloud providers like AWS, they gives 12 Months free trial with t2.micro EC2 instance and 100GB of Bandwidth and to create AWS account you need to to have atleast Debit Card and they charge small amount of money like 2Rs or 1$ to verify you card. They refunds that amount within 24 hours in same bank account. If you google "Cloud server with free trial" you will find plenty of websites that offer free trial for some duration.

    • You have complete control on your server, you can customize server scripts, install mods
    • This Server will run 24/7, as this is running on some other's computer, not yours.
    • You can host this server for free , using free trial from cloud. Create new account after trial expire or use some other cloud providers.
    • You need a valid Credit card/Debit Card , to create Cloud account.
    • Some cloud provides free trial for some time duration. But then after trial expire they will start charging money.
    • You need good technicall skills or have to pay good attention while watching youtube tutorials, and follow it properly.
    • You need to understand free trial terms condition properly, else you can get huge bill.
    • It could be little hard to do , if you doing for first time.

  4. Host a Headless Server | On your device

    This is a combination of option 1 and option 3. In this server will be hosted on your device instead of cloud server. But not within you game, it will be hosted with headless server scripts.
    So you not need to keep your game running. As server scripts will be running in background on your computer/phone/device. But you need to keep your phone/computer powered on as server is running on your device.

    • Its free to host. Since server is running on you device.
    • You can use rasberry pi , old computer or Android device and keep them turned on 24/7 to keep you server online.
    • You can customize scripts, install mods or modify in what ever way you want.
    • All cons of option 1, port forwarding, firewall setting, IP address reveal, good internet.
    • Additionally you father will get electricity bill, as you keeping your device turned on for long itme.


All above options have Advantage and Disadvantage , it depends on you need. In next article we will go deep in Dedicated servers and will talk about all cloud providers available how to choose correct server and how to configure them. If you have experience hosting server share your feedback about your cloud or post article like this. Send you article in community discord server Discord Invite link.